Sue Cowley looks at routines in Early Years and the value of sticking to the schedule…
We all live our lives via a series of routines. We get up at a specific time each day, put the bins out on a set day each week and so on.
Routines help us create a sense of pattern in our lives – we know what will happen when. Routines are also crucial for supporting behaviour in early years settings.
They give children a feeling of security – they know what will happen while they are with you. They help ensure the children’s safety and allow you to manage unnecessary risk. This is because they help the children learn how to ‘do the right thing’.
Interestingly, routines also support the adults who work in and use your setting. They give staff a set of principles and approaches to use. They help clarify what will happen for parents as well.
It is always busy at morning drop-off time in your setting. Parents and carers want to chat to the practitioners about this and that. It can be 15 minutes before all the children are inside and settled.
Recently you have noticed that parents are turning up later and later. The noise levels at morning drop-off time are increasing exponentially. Children seem slower and slower to settle for the morning story.
Take a moment to think about arrival time at your setting from the children’s perspective. Ask yourself, how would it feel to be a child in this situation, particularly if you were a new starter, or had a special educational need or disability, or English as an additional language?
Does the atmosphere feel safe, controlled and contained? Would you know what you are meant to do when you arrive?
When creating routines, there is a balance between controlling the children, and helping them learn to behave independently, and regulate their own behaviour.
It is possible to go over the top, to make your setting too controlled and controlling. The routines you create should be purposeful – they need to be there for a specific reason. For each routine you introduce, consider the following three points:
1. What the purpose is – e.g. learning, safety, independence, social skills.
2. How far the children can do this aspect for themselves, and how much adult support they will need.
3. How you are going to communicate your routines, and encourage both the children and the adults to follow them.
When you introduce new routines, or adapt existing ones, be sure that everyone understands what they are, and why you have introduced them.
If you need to ensure a prompt drop-off, be clear about the timings and the purpose of this. Explain to parents the positive impact of being on time, for their children. Regular reminders are helpful, but take care not to nag.
Sue Cowley is an educational author and helps to run an ‘outstanding’ preschool. Visit or follow @Sue_Cowley.
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