The wickedly clever Emily Gravett has produced another potential classic with this gorgeous story-within-a-story about an endearing but stubborn little dragon who loves his favourite bedtime story (featuring Cedric the dragon, who never goes to bed) so much, that he insists his increasinglyweary mother reads it to him over and over again, until she is so exhausted she nods off herself, causing a truly fiery tantrum! The attention to detail is simply brilliant – even the ‘spare’ pages before the (repeated) title leaf contribute to the story – and as a result, with an irony deliberately engineered by the author, this is a book that demands to be enjoyed again… and again… and again.
Wonder is the unforgettable story of August Pullman, an ordinary boy with an extraordinary face. With over five million copies sold, Wonder is a true modern classic, a…
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One of the most popular topics of conversation amongst young children is ‘what I was like when I was *really* small’. They love to compare themselves with who they were just a…
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Despite the relentless efforts of teachers, policy makers and passionate advocates of mathematics over many years, numeracy is still a skill that’s often rather bizarrely…
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With The Gruffalo’s Child, Julia Donaldson proved herself more than capable of following up what had quickly become a beloved children’s classic with a sequel of similar…
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Something exciting is happening at the Heavenly Hippos Wildlife Park; gold stars are going to be awarded to winning animals in four categories: most popular, tidiest; most stylish;…
Read Book ReviewExploring the power and potential of continuous provision
Enabling Environments
Sleep Training for Early Years Practitioners