Imogen is spending the day with Auntie Sara, who is clearly a bundle of fun and can’t wait to start playing. Should the pair become beautiful princesses? Dragon-taming knights? Adventurous astronauts? After all, there’s no limit to what they can do with just a dash of imagination! The trouble is, Auntie Sara is so busy trying to inspire her niece’s creativity, she’s not actually letting Imogen join in. As it turns out, what her charge really wants (when she finally gets a word in edgeways) is simply a trip to the park and ‘for you to be you and me to be me’. This adorable story is full of warmth and humour – children will delight in the way the well meaning yet overbearing grown up is lovingly, but firmly, put in her place.
Wonder is the unforgettable story of August Pullman, an ordinary boy with an extraordinary face. With over five million copies sold, Wonder is a true modern classic, a…
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One of the most popular topics of conversation amongst young children is ‘what I was like when I was *really* small’. They love to compare themselves with who they were just a…
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Despite the relentless efforts of teachers, policy makers and passionate advocates of mathematics over many years, numeracy is still a skill that’s often rather bizarrely…
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With The Gruffalo’s Child, Julia Donaldson proved herself more than capable of following up what had quickly become a beloved children’s classic with a sequel of similar…
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Something exciting is happening at the Heavenly Hippos Wildlife Park; gold stars are going to be awarded to winning animals in four categories: most popular, tidiest; most stylish;…
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Ladybird’s Pirate Pete and Princess Polly books