Elizabeth is the ‘lively’ child whom every childcare professional will recognise – the one whose irrepressible energy and spontaneity is as endearing as it is disruptive. When she gives one of her classmates a hearty shove, our heroine sets off a domino effect that ends in chaos. Faced with the consequences of her actions in the shape of her justifiably irate peers, she apologises and is instantly forgiven, whereupon everyone goes out to play. A Victorian writer of moral fables would probably have the young miscreant eaten by a tiger – or at least sent to bed with no supper – but terrifying children into acceptable behaviour is somewhat frowned on within the EYFS these days; Mara Bergman’s adult-free narrative, and Cassia Thomas’s subtly anarchic illustrations, make the necessary point much more effectively, with humour and realism.
Wonder is the unforgettable story of August Pullman, an ordinary boy with an extraordinary face. With over five million copies sold, Wonder is a true modern classic, a…
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One of the most popular topics of conversation amongst young children is ‘what I was like when I was *really* small’. They love to compare themselves with who they were just a…
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Despite the relentless efforts of teachers, policy makers and passionate advocates of mathematics over many years, numeracy is still a skill that’s often rather bizarrely…
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With The Gruffalo’s Child, Julia Donaldson proved herself more than capable of following up what had quickly become a beloved children’s classic with a sequel of similar…
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Something exciting is happening at the Heavenly Hippos Wildlife Park; gold stars are going to be awarded to winning animals in four categories: most popular, tidiest; most stylish;…
Read Book Review1st Steps with Numicon in the Nursery
Ladybird’s Pirate Pete and Princess Polly books