The mince pies and plum puddings are in the shops which means Christmas is officially on it’s way. Happy days – sparkling decorations, excited children and LOTS of planning and preparation to do.
So to get you in the festive mood with a little early gift here is one of our favourite Christmas music resources, all based around a funky little tune called ‘Wave Hello Now It’s Christmas’.
The music resource comprises
1. A video to model delivery
2. A song mp3 to download and use in your settings
3. A printable lyric and actions sheet
You can see the video here
You can find all these resources here
I really recommend you to start using this song in your setting as soon as possible. Why?
Well the official reasons are:
1. It’s an action song and supports co-ordination and physical fitness (Physical Development)
2. It promotes social and communication skills (Personal Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language)
3. It will help you introduce the theme of Christmas (Understanding the World)
4. It’s even got some counting in it so supports maths skills (Mathmatics)
Wave Hello To Wellbeing!
But unofficially, the real reason why I want you to try this song is because it’s LOTS OF FUN! And as the stresses and strains of the Christmas season take their toll, we all need some of that in our daily practice!
In fact scientific research shows that active music making is fantastic for promoting welbeing. A study, reported in Nature Neuroscience, found that the chemical dopamine, responsible for that ‘feel good’ feeling is released when people listen to upbeat music. And at Sussex University researchers found that listening to uplifting music boosts our immune system and decreases stress levels.
So whether you’re coming into work feeling a little tired or you’re already in a good mood, do the ‘Wave Hello’ song with your children and you will all feel 100% revived, upbeat and ready to engage in the day’s activities.
Have Fun and keep on boogie-ing
Author: Harriet Thomas, author of the upcoming book ‘Get the Music Magic’ and Creative Director at Boogie Mites UK Ltd
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