Miranda Walker’s A Practical Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage (£14.99, Nelson Thornes) explores all aspects of the..
Miranda Walker’s A Practical Guide to the Early Years Foundation Stage (£14.99, Nelson Thornes) explores all aspects of the revised EYFS framework. Offering jargon-free answers to key questions, it is the perfect point of reference for anyone embarking on a career in the early years. Also included in the text are handy hints and tips on practical activity ideas. Aimed both at students and practitioners, it examines the Prime and Specific areas in detail and offers advice on meeting each of the revised framework’s mandatory requirements. The text cross-references the EYFS framework and the Development Matters documentation, clarifying recent changes, and offers practical advice on how to implement changes without adding to your workload. Visit link - http://www.planetvocational.co.uk/
A New Era of Early Years Christmas Plays and Nativities Has Begun!
BLAST is Boosting Language Auditory Skills and Talking