Educators can now help combat the rise in UK child road casualties the government has seen over the last year
According to figures released by The Department for Transport in July; road death and injury is at its highest peak since the early 90s, therefore teaching road safety to young children is important than ever.
Educators have a crucial part to play in helping to develop safer attitudes and behaviours in young children and can contribute hugely to child accident prevention. Learning about road safety starts long before someone even thinks about independent travel to and from school or even getting a driving licence.
There is a glimmer of hope however, The Children’s Traffic Club is the internationally award winning, road safety education programme, for parents and educators and has just re-launched a brand new multimedia Club to save lives and influence the lifelong habits of children as road users from a pre-school age. The Club still remains the most researched, monitored and evaluated road safety education programme for pre-schoolers ever in the UK and has a total of 2.5 million members to date.
The Club’s materials have been developed in accordance with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) together with the Every Child Matters Strand and consists of three incredibly vibrant and engaging interactive DVD packs, with a year’s worth of interactive stories and games, sing alongs, and activities – all helping children to learn lifesaving messages whilst having fun. The DVDs can be played on a TV or PC and also include printed guides, activity books and lots of stickers.
Both parents and educators can get involved with the Club. Parents can join up their child to receive the Club at home, so help spread the message of this lifesaving initiative to parents at your nursery. Nurseries can even join up their whole class directly to use the Club materials in your setting.
For further information about the Club, please visit our website at: or contact us at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
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