Nursery Resources have created 2 new products to help you and your setting
Obtaining all the information you need from parents when a child first starts with you can be a challenge, as can involving parents in what a child enjoys while in childcare. Nursery Resources have created 2 new products to help you.
• All About Me Booklet
This booklet covers all the important information that needs to be known when a child first starts in an Early Years Setting. Included are routine information sheets, permission forms, emergency contacts and pick up permission information. The booklet as been designed to cover all ages from a child starting at a setting as a baby all the way through to pre-school so additional information can be taken through the child’s Early Years Journey.
• My Weekly Activities
A great way to encourage Parents as Partners - let mums & dads know what a child has enjoyed doing during the week at Nursery and vice versa parents can let you know what their child has enjoyed doing at the weekend a great way to work together to give children lots of enjoyable experiences.
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