Trek through the stunning Himalayas and raise funds for the children’s charity of your choice on this amazing Indian experience.
Let’s Trek for Children in India entails five days of trekking starting in Dharamsala, the spiritual home of the Dalai Lama and finishes at Laka Got (3,550m) well above the Himalaya snow-line. Accompanied by local mountain guides we will trek through spectacular mountain landscapes using ancient shepherd trails. We will sleep under the stars in remote mountain camps with the chance to discuss the day’s events
around roaring camp fires. This amazing Indian adventure culminates with a visit to the breath-taking Taj Mahal in Agra.
Let’s Trek for Children in India is open to people of all ages and from all walks of life who will come together to do something amazing. It will be life-changing in many ways, for you the individual, who will achieve your own personal challenge and for the number of children’s charities who will benefit from the funds raised by the challenge.
If you have any questions about Let’s Trek for Children in India or need further information:
please telephone the Dream Challenges events team on 01590 646410 or e-mail .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
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