Soundbops is a revolutionary and inclusive new instrument that is designed for the Early Years Learning environment.
Soundbops’ award-winning design is built for play-based-pedagogy.
Simplified sheet music and moveable notes that can be stacked to create chords lets children set up the instrument in a way that suits them.
Soundbops comes supported by educational resources that will help you enhance your pupils’ classroom experience.
Designed with the curriculum in mind, children will make connections between music and areas including languages, mathematics, health and wellbeing, sciences, social studies, technologies and the wider expressive arts.
You don’t need to train as a musician to teach with Soundbops, we supply you with all of the information you need to feel confident in teaching music.
“The children particularly enjoyed investigating how to make different sounds by working together using their problem-solving and mathematical skills. This is a great way for practitioners to effectively implement music into the ELC setting”
Claire Reilly
Grand-Y-Care Academy
For more information email or visit
A New Era of Early Years Christmas Plays and Nativities Has Begun!