Chatta is a powerful classroom approach ensuring attentive listeners, confident speakers and fearless writers. It removes barriers to learning in all subjects, impacting oracy, vocabulary use, writing, long term memory.
Chatta is a simple and powerful classroom approach that delivers inclusive, high-impact, quality-first teaching and removes barriers to learning for all pupils.
We provide training, resources and software for teachers and teaching assistants which save time and make regular use of our evidence-informed classroom method easy and accessible.
Chatta harnesses the power of dual-coding and cognitive load theories and is designed around best practice in teaching and developing oracy to unlock literacy.
The Chatta method accelerates and strengthens the learning process and is especially effective for closing gaps in attainment for disadvantaged pupils, pupils with special needs including autism and dyslexia, and for pupils who are new to English.
As well as being effective in the classroom, Chatta offers home-learning resources for families.
The impact of Chatta is rapid, strong and sustained. A recent study involving 500 families showed an increase of more than 40% in the proportion of children achieving ARE in speaking.
As part of the service, Chatta evaluates and reports impact back to school leaders regularly throughout the school year.
Visit the Chatta website to book a free demonstration and to try the approach to experience first-hand the impact in your own classroom.
“The impact is a million times better than anything else we have tried!”
Mr C Johnson
Assistant headteacher
Discover – Explore – Play!
Reading eggs
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Enabling Environments