The benefits of physical activity on health and wellbeing are widely acknowledged.
We know positive association between academic attainment and physical activity levels. In 2012 the home nations’ Chief Medical Officers introduced Physical Activity Guidelines for preschool children stating those capable of walking unaided should be active daily for at least 180 minutes.
Unfortunately 91% are not meeting this recommendation. We also know the development of physical literacy reaches far beyond that of a child’s physical skills – it develops aspects of the whole child, including social interaction, creative play and sophisticated thought processes, increasing the ability to learn.
Equipping children with the ability to be confident and comfortable in their own bodies is vital to their health and wellbeing throughout life, and should be instilled as early as possible.
Written in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage framework, Healthy Movers, popular TV show PJ Masks, is a suite of resources and training to support early years practitioners and families to ensure every child is physically literate.
Using the multi-ability approach of physical, creative, healthy, thinking and social themes, Healthy Movers enables settings to easily build engaging physical activity into everyday.
For more information visit, email or call 01509 226 624.
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