Sight words, High Frequency words and cursive writing are all included in the new range of Collins Easy Learning preschool books.
Fully in line with the National Curriculum, the established market-leading series is well-known to many early years settings and a popular choice with parents. The clear and engaging books are designed to make it easy for children to grasp concepts and have a go, motivating them to do more and establishing good learning habits for life.
The comprehensive 3 to 5 range covers everything from colours and shapes to first words in a variety of formats.
Educational flashcards are a fun and interactive way to introduce children to letters, numbers and first words.
Children will enjoy doing letter and number activities over and over, whilst learning to hold a pen correctly.
Bright and engaging activities to encourage children to have a go to help them grasp new concepts easily.
Combining practice with engaging, colourful illustrations, these bumper books help to boost children’s confidence.
Watch the video to find out what these parents say about Collins Easy Learning.
“Good for little ones to start learning numbers.”
“The activities are a perfect challenge. The certificate at the end is a nice touch.”
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