Working in childcare means you are constantly learning. It’s each practitioner’s hard work, passion, and enthusiasm that gives children the very best start in life.
Keeping your training up-to-date is an important task as it’s essential practitioners understand changes to legislation, curriculum, and best practice in Early Years.
The team at Laser Systems work with childcare industry experts to write Continuous Professional Development (CPD) courses which cover a wide range of topics to help practitioners maintain their ongoing CPD. Laser Systems’ CPD courses are delivered online using its Laser learning programme so you can access courses on multiple devices and fit learning around your busy schedule.
Each of the courses are written by an industry expert, then edited by Laser Systems’ professional content team to ensure it meets its expected course standards and is accessible to learners.
The team ensures each course is accurate, covers the necessary criteria and includes links to the most recent legislation and best practice examples. As legislation, best practice and standards change, the team returns to the course content to update it, so learners are always getting the most recent and accurate information.
All of the company’s courses begin with a filmed tutorial. The content team develops film scripts with the course writer which are sent over to the studio team. These scripts are then filmed by a professional presenter at Laser System’s own studio in Berkshire. You may spot The One Show’s Kevin Duala presenting some of the tutorials!
Once you have successfully completed your course you can instantly download your Laser Systems CPD certificate.
Many of its childcare CPD courses are endorsed by the awarding organisation, CACHE, and learners can request a separate CACHE certificate for a small fee once they successfully complete their course.
Courses take up to 10 hours to complete, and once you have purchased your course it is yours to work through at your own pace. When you register with Laser short courses you also receive two free courses:
These courses are ideal for anyone who has not previously done an online course.
Logging into your account shows you all the courses you have completed, those you still need to complete and recently added courses now available to purchase.
If you are a setting manager, you can register using an organisation account and set up accounts for your staff. You can then purchase courses to assign to each staff member, allowing you to manage CPD training and letting staff access their course instantly.
Laser System’s team are constantly adding new courses, but if there’s something you’d like to request, you can email them at and they’ll let you know if it’s on their list to be created soon.
Want to know more? Visit the FAQs page on our website for more information. From Observing children and Managing Safeguarding, to Food Safety and Nutrition in Early Years – learn something new today!
See Laser System’s full list of courses here, and for more information head to the website or find them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin.
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