Five year-old Hannah was heartbroken after losing her Companion ‘Sting the Wasp’.
Sting had been her comfort toy ever since he ‘flew’ into her life at 6 months old.
Sting was part of the Family. Hannah took him everywhere: holidays, Mum’s work, the park to ‘fly’ down the slide together.
Hannah wove Sting into her bedtime stories, and each morning Sting ‘buzzed’ about under her bedspread, and delivered Hannah’s breakfast honey.
Mummy said Sting went on an Adventure helping Santa, but Hannah was disconsolate.
Hari’s World to the rescue!
Hannah and Sting were reunited and they ‘Play Safe Not Sorry’ together again.
Through an imaginative blend of humour and role play Hari’s World brings adventures to life for children, and delivers the positive message: ‘enjoy the freedom of play but… play safe and not sorry’.
Beautifully illustrated, Hari’s bright and colourful series of books, Safety Sacks and resources allows teachers and parents to effortlessly engage children with easy story lines that are packed with fun, adventure and humour.
For more information visit, email or call 01768 486 508.
Super Simple Nativity Plays