Two adorable nativities with companion eBooks! ‘I-SPY Christmas’ is a brand new nativity from leading children’s publisher Starshine Music, and has got to be the simplest way of putting on the nativity story with very young children. Here’s how it works:
I spy with my little eye, something beginning with ‘D’. (Pictures, which can be printed off the enhanced CD, are held up as prompts.)
‘A duck?’ No. ‘A dinosaur?’ No. ‘A donkey?’ Yes! It’s a Donkey. (Cue song!)
And so it goes on!
Catchy songs tell the story of the Nativity, and all the children are involved 100% of the time. It’s easy to teach and easy to learn and - most importantly - it’s fun! What could be better?
‘A Wriggly Nativity’ is a nativity show for children who can’t sit still! Hugely popular, this sweet little show has already been performed by around 5000 schools and nurseries in the UK. The Christmas story is told almost entirely through catchy songs, actions, movement and dance. Everything is easy to learn, there is very little dialogue, and the narration between songs is brief. The songs have actions for the children to do, and everyone is specifically required NOT to sit still while singing! ‘A Wriggly Nativity’ demands that every single child, angel or sheep, channels his or her excited energy and squirming enthusiasm into telling the nativity story.
Interactive eBooks for iPad are coming out in November to partner each of these nativities. The idea is for children to bring to life their own eBook nativity play – which will be particular exciting for them to do if they already know the songs and can sing along! Touch screen technology allows the youngest of children to turn pages, interact with the story telling, play the songs and animate characters and objects. Beautifully illustrated by film-maker/artist Matilda Tristram, the eBooks have been developed by cutting edge digital publishers Firsty Group, and will act as a fantastic literacy aid, as the text will highlight words as they are spoken and sung.
‘I-SPY Christmas’ and ‘A Wriggly Nativity’ are just £21.50 each. Each Director’s Pack comprises:
Director’s Book (incl script, score & lyrics), CD (contains demos sung by children, as well as backing tracks and photocopiable resources). An instant performing licence may also be bought at the time of purchase.
The eBooks will be available in the iTunes store from November - details to be announced on the Starshine website
Two adorable nativities for nursery and early years with totally irresistible eBooks alongside!
Starshine Music: Tel 0844 846 4812; Fax 0844 846 9053;;
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