The only comprehensive solution
To promote and celebrate this powerful, enhanced product Early To Primary Essence is re-branding!
From September Early to Primary Essence will include SEND assessment capability FREE as part of a seamless tracking and assessment system for all children 0-11yrs. This is in addition to our existing software and is being piloted across specialist schools this Spring and Summer to ensure it meets the needs of practitioners.
Key Features:
• Record and save evidence instantly to the assessment package (video, photo, and audio) using the latest mobile App technology.
• Attribute evidence easily to children, including a description of learning outcomes and developmental stage to facilitate accurate EYFS,Primary and SEND assessment.
• Comprehensive reports and analysis for School Leaders,Teachers, Parents and Children.
• Reports viewed securely online, printed, and saved at any time (including LA reporting).
• E2P+SEND is a multilingual package.
• No replication of data. No manual data analysis.
• Parents can engage via their own login and contribute evidence of home learning.
• Direct, automated import of all the key class, year group and child data from your MIS (e.g. SIMs, Integris G2).
• Moderation capability including the creation of shared exemplification files, with photo and video evidence.
• E2P+SEND is developed by teachers for teachers. Based on 6 years of providing online assessment solutions. A proven system for formative assessment and reporting of development - Not a system under development.
Formative, Illuminating, Paperless and Engaging online assessment and reporting for children from birth to 11yrs.
Driving outstanding teaching and learning through a meaningful Collaboration between teachers, parents and pupils.
08448 706975
Follow us on twitter @earlyessence & @primaryessence
The Learning Escape by TG Escapes.
Enabling Environments
Leaving Ceremonies