Nursery Resources provide printed material covering all aspects of running an Early Years Setting.
Maintaining slick, professional records can be a challenge. In addition to the time consuming creation of forms and templates there’s the expensive printing and photocopying to ensure there’s enough paperwork to go around. What’s more, these non-core activities can detract attention from what’s really important – the learning and development of the children in your care.
If you’re keen to reduce the amount of reporting paperwork you need to create, simply visit
Nursery Resources offers a wide range of professionally printed products exclusively for childcare settings all designed to simplify your paperwork and save money on your printing costs. And with no minimum order size, our products are perfect for both large nursery settings and child-minders.
Here’s an overview of our three most popular printed nursery products:
1. Learning Journey
As you know it’s a requirement of the EYFS framework to track learning and development for each child in your care. Many childcare settings have adopted the Learning Journey format as it satisfies OFSTED requirements whilst developing into a valuable keepsake for parents.
At £3 per pack, the Nursery Resources Learning Journey provides an easy way to create standardised and professional Learning Journeys for your setting. Each pack contains 44 pages of quality, pre-punched paper printed with a selection of templates ready for keyworkers to complete. The templates include various observation forms along with creative templates for presenting children’s artwork, role play and other observation evidence.
You’ll also discover “wow notes” to encourage parents to contribute evidence as well as a full colour front cover with space to personalise with the child’s name and photograph.
The Learning Journey is smartly bound in a fillable report folder making it easy to add in blank sheets and other observational evidence. You can even purchase additional template packs - it could mean no more time consuming photocopying.
2. Learning Journey Tracker – By Age
Would it help if you could access the Development Matters guidance by age instead of learning and development category?
If so, you’ll like our Learning Journey Tracker – by Age product.
This useful coil bound, full-colour booklet contains all the Development Matters material and costs just £4. But instead of being organised under the seven areas of learning and development, it’s categorised by the six age brackets.
It means keyworkers can more easily access guidance that’s specific for the age group they are working with. In addition, because the Learning Journey Tracker includes a space next to each milestone for a date and signature, you can use it as a tool to record when a child is consistently demonstrating a particular skill. In this way, the tracker becomes an excellent complement to the Learning Journey and can be used as an activity planning tool or as a quick reference to assess if a child is developing as expected.
3. Communication Diary
The Nursery Resource’s Communication Diary is the perfect tool to keep parents informed about their child’s day without the need for an extensive conversation at pick-up time. Each Communication Diary contains an easy to complete template for keyworkers to record key information such as sleep time, food eaten and activities enjoyed. In addition, the diary eliminates the need for daily photocopied sheets that are easily misplaced.
What’s more, because the Communication Diary can be customised with your nursery’s name, logo, contact details and other information, you can supply parents with a professional contact log at a low cost to you. Our Communication Diaries cost just £1.50 each (with customisation available for a small additional fee) and will last around 3 months.
You can phone us on 01733 898108 or email Just let us know what you need or ask any questions. We’d love to help. In addition, if you’d like to see inside the products, simply visit where you can view full samples.