Ensure parents never miss a moment of their child’s development at nursery!
ParentZone is the innovative smartphone app from ConnectChildcare which puts a Facebook style timeline of a child’s day in nursery just one tap away. Always.
Parents can view descriptions, photos and videos of every wow moment their child experiences - and add comments back for the nursery staff.
By moving observations into a central, online location, busy nursery staff will find;
ParentZone keeps parents in touch anywhere. Whenever and wherever suits them!
Parents can see what their child enjoys most at nursery - so that they can encourage even further development at home. They can even upload their own pictures directly from their phone camera - bringing alive interests outside nursery. Now everyone can share the same complete picture!
ParentZone helps nurseries and parents to work together even better as partners - encouraging the child’s ongoing development.
Cut out delays and paperwork!
Parents can also book extra nursery sessions, check their bills, settle invoices or update their emergency contact information straight from their phone, tablet or computer, cutting down on the time you need to spend on administration tasks.
Capture every moment - and share the memories!
ParentZone links directly with online digital printing services. It’s never been easier to create photos of a child at home or nursery - or transform them into mugs, calendars or other gift items. Nurseries could benefit from a revenue stream by parents buying merchandise through ParentZone.
ParentZone is available now.
To find out more about how ParentZone can help your setting, and the other innovative products that ConnectChildcare provide, send us an email to info@connectchildcare.co.uk, visit www.connectchildcare.co.uk or call 0844 371 1137.
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