A child whose fifth birthday fell in the summer of 2021 will have experienced more than a quarter of their life in the shadow of coronavirus.
A generation of children are entering school believing the protocols and limitations that characterise our daily lives are not a new normal, but the only normal they have known.
What is more, we know the impact of the pandemic has fallen disproportionately on marginalised and disadvantaged families. At a critical time in a child’s development, a generation of children may have their future life chances significantly affected.
In this context the debate about changes to the statutory requirements in the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage), in particular the Educational programmes, becomes even more crucial.
Now is the time to re-think what constitutes an effective curriculum. One that keeps child development at the core of supporting the learning and development needs of all children, regardless of background or circumstance.
In response to this, Herts for Learning (HfL), the UK’s largest schools’ company and a leading provider of school and EYFS improvement and business support services, is delighted to announce a major online Early Years conference for 2022:
Child development: A fresh look at the curriculum
Wednesday 2 March 2022 – online
This timely event is for everyone working in the Early Years sector interested in child development and creating an engaging and effective curriculum that keeps child development at the core of supporting the learning and development needs of all children, regardless of background or circumstance.
“There has never been a more important time to reflect on the learning experiences we provide young children. The reformed educational programmes in the EYFS statutory framework now provide greater specificity across each of the seven areas of learning which is helpful in curriculum planning, it is equally important to keep child development at the heart of practice to ensure well planned and appropriate curriculum delivery that enables every child to reach their full potential.”
Mireille MacRaild, Education Services Director – Early Years, Herts for Learning
Participants will hear from some of the country’s leading Early Years specialists who will share their first-hand experience, knowledge and expertise to explore these crucially important aspects of Early Years provision.
The programme of keynote addresses and workshops will provide delegates with the opportunity to explore the important interconnections between child development and a responsive curriculum matched carefully to children’s needs.
Keynote speakers include:
Workshop leads include:
The conference is open to all but would be especially suitable for anyone working in EYFS: including teachers, practitioners, leaders, managers and support staff.
Please note: Recordings of sessions will be available to all delates for 28 days after the event.
For further information, including accompanying blogs and podcasts about the event themes and to book places, please visit: hertsforlearning.co.uk/national-early-years-conference or email events@hertsforlearning.co.uk.
Herts for Learning (HfL) is an award-winning provider of products and services to schools and educational settings within and outside Hertfordshire. We believe that every young person, through access to a great education, should be able to realise their potential, regardless of where they live or their circumstances.
We focus on supporting the schools we work with to achieve successful long-term outcomes for their children. HfL is majority owned by Hertfordshire schools and operates with a not-for-profit ethos.
Find out more at hertsforlearning.co.uk.
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