This comprehensive training DVD is the ideal resource for Early Years practitioners learn all about the powerful developmental leaps that take place during children’s play and how best to support their learning.
The Power of Physical Play examines exactly how physical play supports a child’s ability to become an independent learner, from birth to seven-years-old. As the camera follows each child during their daily activities within several settings, you will gain a real insight into what they are learning and how this supports their development and ability to self regulate.
Included in this training film is a comprehensive section on Adult Support - you will see exactly how, as a practitioner, you can best apply this knowledge to your everyday practice. Clear examples of modelling, scaffolding, specific praise (and more), will allow you to confidently improve key relationships and effectively support independent learning.
Made in collaboration with David Whitebread of Cambridge University, it is packed with the latest research and theories in an easy to understand, straightforward way – as you view real examples of children demonstrating the reality of what these theories actually look like during their play. The chapter format allows you to explore each key area of development in significant detail.
The film comes with a booklet (written by Dr. David Whitebread) helping you to plan your training session with points for discussion and guidance on developing practice.
• Gain a deep understanding of WHAT and HOW children learn
• Understand exactly HOW TO SUPPORT their development and their ability to self-regulate
• See clear examples of MODELING, SCAFFOLDING and SPECIFIC PRAISE and more
• Put what you learn into practice and effectively support independent learning
• Add solid skills and knowledge to your Individual Training Records
• Be informed and inspired to develop your own best practice
• Use chapter by chapter - focusing on key areas
• perfect for in house training
• Great for inspiring group discussions
• Encourages reflection on current practice
• Perfect for 1-2-1 supervision training and CPD
• The chapter structure it easy to learn at time and pace that is convenient to you
OFFER!!! Watch the full film absolutely FREE – call our office today and quote code: TN PPP
For more information call Suzi or Katrina on: 0191 232 7900, email or follow the link below to our website:
Sound Children
‘I-Spy Christmas’ & ‘A Wriggly Nativity’